
Parental control

Parental control software gives you the power to dictate what kids watch while letting you watch what you want!A great new feature provided by TimeWarner Cable that no family should be without is HDTV. The most basic of them is digital television.
The on screen program guide will also make it easy to program the digital video recorder that Time Warner provides for its viewers. With High Definition Television, you and Anatel cable RG6 your family will be able to enjoy the movie theater experience in the comfort of your own home at a much lower cost than taking them all to the movies.There are a lot of benefits that come along with the latest digital cable TV technology and Time Warner digital cable television is a great way to take advantage of all of that technology. You also don't have to worry about them watching too much TV either.
In other words, thanks to DVR technology you no longer have to sacrifice watching the television that you love just because it doesn't come on when you can watch it!Time Warner is also a leader in the industry when it comes to video on demand options! Video on demand is a great new technology that allows you to call up a television show or movie from a special list and watch it immediately. Start today. The advantage that cable television has over the older analog television format that's most widely recognized is its higher quality picture.
Digital TV is the television transmission format that makes all of the other great features that comes with this type of cable TV service possible. With an on screen program guide, you'll be able access a searchable television listing that will let you know what's on and when it's on. With the help of a DVR, you'll be able to record anything that is available over the channels that you've subscribed to- no matter when it comes on- so that you can watch it at a time that's convenient for you.

